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Monday, June 13, 2011

I Want My Mommy

I Want My Mommy
a verse 
Steve Fiffer and Sharon Fiffer

Mother went out
Leaving Nicki with Dad.
From the look on her face
He could tell she was sad.

“I want my mommy,”
Nicki said with a pout.
Then she went in her room
And she wouldn’t come out.

“Please Nicki,” Dad said.
“We can have fun today.
We can cook a nice breakfast
Then go out and play.”

“Well,” Nicki said,
“It depends what you’d make.
I’ll come out if you’ll feed me
Chocolate ice cream and cake.”

“Mmm, that was good,”
She said rubbing her tummy.
“But I’m still quite upset.
I still want my mommy.”

She went back to her room
And climbed into her bed.
“Would you come out for me
If I stood on my head?”

She put down her pillow
And opened her door,
Then watched as her father
Got down on the floor.

“That trick was neat
But I’m still feeling blue.
Until Mom comes home
There’s not much you can do.”

“What if I juggled
Three eggs in the air?”

“Do it while standing
On that rocking chair.”

“You did make me laugh
And I’m tempted to stay.
But I’m still sad because
Mommy’s gone for the day.”

“It’s sunny and warm
Nicki, let’s go outside.”

“I’ll go to the park
If you’ll give me a ride.”  (She rides him like a horse.)

“Now that we’re here
I’m not happy at all.”
But maybe I’d smile
If you tossed me a ball.” (The “ball” is a  gala dance.)

“I don’t mean to be bossy
Or stubborn or cross.
It’s just that when Mom’s gone
I feel such a loss.

“The sun’s not so bright
The sky’s not so blue.
I promise you, Daddy,
It’s me. It’s not you.”

“I’ll tell you a story
I’ll play my guitar.
I’ll bake you some brownies
I’ll catch you a star.”

“Look, here comes Mommy
No time to talk.”
Nicki raced out the door
And ran down the walk.

They came in the house
Watched tv, played a game.
Put on their pajamas
But it wasn’t the same.

Mom looked at Nicki
And said, “Why so sad?”
“It’s nothing,” she said.
“I just miss my dad.”

 Slipping out on the porch
Where he strummed his guitar,
She kissed him and said,
“Shall I catch you a star?”

(to be illustrated, we hope).


  1. I think this will be a hit as an illustrated children's poem. All those elements kids love--funny scenes, great and easy rhythm for a little person to keep (and repeat) and a classic twist at the end -- so typical of little kids (and some adults I know!)

  2. hey, makes me want my daddy!

  3. This is SO typical of how it goes down in my house! Kids will love it, especially with funny illustrations.
